Thur 12 May @ The Architect


Indigo returns with a relaxed drinks social at a stylish bar on Bristol Harbourside. 


With the weather warm enough to take the party outside, we are throwing The Architect’s doors wide open to fresh faces and returning friends.

It was wonderful to meet so many new people last month for our lively Speed Meet and welcome back friends we first met over a decade ago.

Women from across the South West and Wales come to Indigo socials and our friendly hosts are here to help everyone mingle and meet. Come and join us again this month for a relaxed cocktail or two.

Indigo Social | Queer Drinks

Thur 12 May | The Architect | 16 Narrow Quay

Doors open, 7pm

Doors close, 11pm


You can either book individual tickets*  or if you’re feeling more cautious reserve a table & maintain a distance whilst being in our social space. 

*All tickets include a drink (beer, house spirit, soft or house wine).


Want to meet more lesbian/ LBTQ+ women in the South West? Relaxed, friendly & informal, Indigo offers a space to connect with a community of likeminded, interesting women.

Our events are hosted to help get people talking & are renowned for their friendly inclusive vibe. We welcome everyone from students to professionals, from artists to lawyers. LBTQ+ women & non-binary folk are warmly embraced as part of the Queer community. We operate an inclusive entry policy.

Many women come on their own to Indigo events, for some, it’s their first curious venture into a whole new world, others arrive with friends, colleagues or partners. Everyone is offered the same warm welcome & a new network of friends.